Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is an authorization issued by the International Student & Scholar Office (ISSS) within OIE that permits F-1 students to participate in off-campus experiential learning opportunities. During the CPT authorization, the student must be enrolled in an academic course that guides their experience and measures their learning outcomes. CPT is not available after a student completes degree program requirements.
F-1 students must receive approval for their CPT authorization from OIE before starting their employment and are only authorized to participate in the CPT during the authorization dates listed and with the employer listed on the I-20 form. This means that when a student is authorized for CPT, they are authorized to work only for the employer listed on the I-20 form as well as only between the authorization dates listed on the I-20 form. For general information about CPT, please visit the Study in the States guidance provided by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).
Please read through the information below to learn of additional eligibility criteria as well as the process to request CPT. If you still have questions after reviewing all of the guidance on this page, please contact an OIE advisor.
Eligibility Requirements
In order for OIE to consider a student’s eligibility for CPT, the student must:
- Complete at least one full academic year of full-time enrollment inside the U.S. A full academic year is defined as fall and spring semester or spring and fall semester at Georgia Tech (Review FAQ below with questions about reduced course load authorizations).
- Be in good academic standing.
- Engage in a practical training opportunity integral to the student’s primary degree program.
- Have degree required courses remaining in their program.
Additional Eligibility Considerations
- F-1 students must be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours) on the main campus for a fall and spring semester before becoming eligible for CPT.
- An F-1 student who begins their academic program in the fall semester may be eligible for off-campus practical training after enrolling full-time at the main campus in fall and spring semesters.
- An F-1 student who begins in the spring semester must enroll full-time at the main campus in spring semester and the following fall semester before becoming eligible for CPT.
- F-1 students may be authorized for full-time CPT or part-time CPT.
- Students enrolled in their final semester are not eligible for full-time CPT unless they are completing a degree-required practicum or degree-required research experience.
- F-1 students authorized to work more than 364 days of full-time CPT are no longer eligible for OPT. Part time CPT has no impact on eligibility for OPT.
Required Internship for Academic Credits
Undergraduate students majoring in Building Construction who enroll in the internship for academic credit must work with their academic advisor to submit a request for CPT.
Graduate students majoring in City and Regional Planning or Informational Design and Technology who enroll in the internship for academic credit must work with their graduate coordinator to submit a request for CPT.

CPT Application Process
Once you have received and accepted an internship or co-op offer, review the steps below to understand the steps required to apply for CPT.
- Collect your employment offer letter and submit your request for internship or cooperative education experience online via CareerBuzz.
- Undergraduate students: Click here to review additional guidance, deadlines, and instructions.
- Graduate Students: Click here to review additional guidance, deadlines, and instructions.
Once the application in CareerBuzz is reviewed and approved by the Career Center, you will receive an approved placement email from the CareerBuzz (Symplicity) system. If you do not find the approval email in your inbox, please review your spam folder to see if this email was automatically sent to spam.
Once you receive the approved placement email, you will be eligible to log into iStart to complete the CPT Request e-form.
Once you submit the CPT Request e-form, it will be routed to the Career Center to verify the information you entered is accurate and aligns with the information entered in CareerBuzz. Once the Career Center completes their review of your request, the CPT request will be submitted to OIE.
To check the status of your CPT request, you can log into iStart and review the e-form.
If the status indicates "Routed to Third Party" this means that the request is still under review by the Career Center.
If the status indicates "Pending Office Approval" this means that the request has been completed by the Career Center and is awaiting review and processing from OIE.
Once OIE receives the completed CPT request from you and the Career Center, you will receive an update from OIE within the processing time outlined on our website.
- If your CPT Request is approved, OIE will issue you a new I-20 form with your CPT authorization. It will include your employer's name, address, and the specific dates of employment you are authorized to work while on CPT. To view a sample of what the I-20 form should look like with CPT authorization, review our document guide website. Please review the I-20 form for accuracy. You can only work during the dates of employment authorized on the I-20 form and for the employer listed on the I-20 form. The I-20 form with the CPT authorization is proof of employment eligibility, which you must show to your new employer to complete the hiring process.
Once approved for CPT, you will be registered in the corresponding internship/Co-op credits. Remember, it is required that while participating in CPT, you be enrolled in internship/Co-op credits. It is your responsibility to ensure you have enough space in your schedule to allow for the addition of the Co-op or Internship credits in your schedule. If the additional credits will place you over the maximum hours permitted for the term, you will not be enrolled in the internship/co-op credits. Students who are not enrolled in internship/co-op credits are ineligible to participate in CPT.

Maintaining Status and Enrollment During CPT
F-1 visa holders are required to continuously maintain their status while participating in CPT. This includes meeting F-1 enrollment requirements and timely updating OIE with any changes in address, CPT employment, and program of study.
Below are some key points for understanding F-1 enrollment requirements while on CPT:
- F-1 students are required to enroll in at least 12 credit hours during their first semester of enrollment at Georgia Tech and each subsequent fall and spring semester.
- While engaged in CPT, F-1 students must maintain full-time enrollment in at least 12 credits. (Remember that either all or some of the credits will either be internship or co-op credits)
- Once the CPT has been authorized by the OIE, Career Center will register the student in the internship course for the appropriate term.
- CPT authorization can begin prior to the start of the term and continue until the day before the next available term. The student's academic progress will be monitored based on the CPT dates and grades will be adjusted after the term dates if a student fails to complete the academic work associated with an internship. Please see the timeline and deadlines from the Career Center.
- All CPT requests must be submitted via iStart by Career Center by the deadline dates outlined on the Career Center website, please see graduate information here and undergraduate information here.
- Students not enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits by the end of phase 2 registration, are in violation of their F-1 status which can result in the termination of their SEVIS records.
- Full-time enrollment while authorized for CPT includes internship hours and continuous full-time participation in the CPT experience is required by US federal regulations. Students who lose their employment must consult with OIE within ten days of the change per federal guidelines.
Timeline and Deadlines
- A new CPT application is needed every semester.
- One CPT application is needed for every semester in which CPT authorization is requested. For instance, if you have an internship from June 1 to December 1, you would need one CPT application for the summer semester and one CPT application for the fall semester.
- Apply for CPT before the Career Center internship deadlines.
- Apply for CPT as early as possible.
- A job offer letter is required to begin the CPT application process. Please begin the CPT application process as early as possible.
- The CPT application process requires information from you, your employer, and the academic department, as well as processing by both the Career Center and OIE. This means that the process can take a variable amount of time as each person and office completes their part of the process. Please plan for your internship as far in advance as possible.
- The Career Center first reviews your internship or cooperative education experience first in CareerBuzz. Once approved, then you will submit the CPT request to OIE.
- Review the Career Center website for more information about Career Center processes.
- From the time that OIE has received the CPT application, it will be processed within OIE’s published processing times on the OIE website.
- You may only work during the CPT authorization dates printed on your I-20.
- If authorized for CPT, you will receive an I-20 from OIE with the dates of your CPT authorization listed on the 2nd page of your I-20.
- Do not start work until after the CPT authorization start date listed on your I-20 has arrived.
- Stop work before or on the CPT authorization end date listed on your I-20.
Transfer and Change of Degree Level Students
To be eligible for CPT, F-1 visa holders must meet certain criteria including having been enrolled full-time in F-1 status for at least one academic year. For some students who have transferred from other US schools are pursuing consecutive degree programs, it may be possible to meet these eligibility criteria after one semester in their new degree program at Georgia Tech. Please review the information below to better understand what may be possible for your situation.
Transfer Students
If you have transferred a SEVIS record from another U.S. institution, you can apply for CPT authorization to begin as early as your second semester at Georgia Tech. In other words, possible eligibility for CPT begins after completing one semester in your new degree program.
Among other factors, OIE will review your request and ensure that you have met the following conditions:
- Completed at least one academic year of study inside the U.S.
- Enrolled in the same field of study at your previous school.
- Completed sufficient coursework in your major to be successful in a CPT experience for that program.
- Have permission from your academic program to participate in the CPT experience.
Please note that final eligibility for CPT is determined at the time of applying for CPT. Approval of a CPT application cannot be guaranteed in advance of submitting an application.
Change of Degree Level Students
If you have recently completed a change of degree level process for your SEVIS record, you can apply for CPT authorization to begin as early as your second semester as reflected on your I-20 form in the higher degree level so long as you are continuing in the same area of study. In other words, possible eligibility for CPT begins after completing one semester in your new degree program so long as you are continuing in the same area of study. Those completing a change of degree into a different program of study must wait a full academic year in the new degree level and new area of study.
Among other factors, OIE will review your request and ensure that you have met the following conditions:
- Completed at least one academic year of study inside the U.S.
- Enrolled in the same field of study for your previous degree.
- Have completed sufficient coursework in your major to be successful in a CPT experience for that program.
- Have permission from your academic program to participate in the CPT experience.
Please note that final eligibility for CPT is determined at the time of applying for CPT. Approval of a CPT application cannot be guaranteed in advance of submitting an application.
Updating and Changing a CPT Authorization
If you need to make adjustments to your CPT authorization, please ensure to report these changes first to the Career Center in Career Buzz to ensure they are also informed of the change. Then, you will need to complete the "CPT Update Request" in iStart.
You can use the CPT Update Request e-form to report the following:
- Request CPT extension within the same semester for an already approved period of CPT
- Request CPT shortening within the same semester for an already approved period of CPT
- Submit a request to change the CPT start date of already approved CPT authorization
- Submit an update in work location
- Submit an update in employer's name (typo or minor update only)
- Cancel CPT authorization.
Please complete a new CPT Request if you are making one of the following changes:
- Student is changing employers
- This requires you to submit a CPT Update Request to cancel the approved CPT authorization for the other employer and then you need to submit a new CPT Request e-form for the new employer.
- Student is extending CPT authorization for a new semester
- This requires a new CPT Request e-form.
Please note the following important considerations to ensure maintenance of status and accuracy of your SEVIS record:
- All changes must be requested at least one month in advance:
- Changes to CPT Start Date must be requested at least one month in advance of current, already approved CPT Start Date.
- Changes to CPT End Date must be requested at least one month in advance of current, already approved CPT End Date.
- If you are hoping to extend your CPT, you must submit the request to update the end date of your CPT no later than one month in advance of the CPT end date. If you do not receive the approval for the CPT authorization extension and the updated I-20 form prior to the CPT authorization end date listed on your I-20 form, then you will need to stop engaging in the employment until the authorization can be issued by OIE.
- To shorten CPT authorization, you will be required to request an updated letter or email from your employer verifying your employment dates.
- To cancel a CPT authorization prior to beginning employment, you must request a letter or email from your employer verifying that you did not participate in any employment with that company. This documentation will be collected by Career Center.
- If you start your Internship or Co-op and then choose to discontinue the experience, please contact OIE and Career Center to learn of your options. If your CPT participation enrollment in internship credits is counting towards maintaining your F-1 student full-time enrollment requirements, then discontinuing the CPT may jeopardize your ability to maintain your F-1 status. Please consult with the Career Center and OIE before taking any steps to discontinue the internship.
- The Career Center has specific internship length requirements that correlate to the number of credits a student will receive for completing the internship/co-op. If adjusting your dates means you will no longer meet the minimum number of weeks, this will impact your registration and CPT eligibility. If you are concerned that adjusting the dates will mean you no longer meet the minimum set by the Career Center, you are advised to speak with them prior to submitting this request.
- Spring/Fall minimum: 14 weeks
- Summer minimum: 8 weeks
Calculating CPT Days Used
Review the I-20 issued to you for Curricular Practical Training and list the authorization dates for all periods in the following format:
Full-time CPT Start Date | Full-time CPT End Date | Total Full-time CPT Employment Days Utilized |
Example: January 1, 2022 | May 1, 2022 | 120 days |
For each CPT period, enter the dates in an online date calculator to calculate the total number of full-time employment days. Some options available for online calculators are listed below:
Calculator: Add to or subtract from a date (
Date Calculator | How many Days Between two Dates? (
Once you have the number of days for each period of CPT, add these together to calculate the total number of full-time CPT employment days utilized. To remain eligible for post-completion Optional Practical Training, you must not exceed 364 days of full-time CPT employment.
Note: Once a student begins a new degree program, the CPT allowance starts over again and CPT authorizations at previous degree levels are not counted toward the 364 days.
Tips for Obtaining CPT
We recommend students use a variety of resources to enhance success in the job and internship search, such as career fairs, employment information sessions, and CareerBuzz.
- Explore Career Center resources to find a practical training opportunity aligned with your degree program.
- Seek practical training opportunities in your field of study.
- Once you have an internship offer, submit your request for internship or cooperative education experience online via CareerBuzz. If you have any questions about CareerBuzz, you are encouraged to contact the Career Center:
- After obtaining your approved placement email from the CareerBuzz (Symplicity) system, submit your CPT Request in iStart.
Part-Time CPT
A part-time CPT authorization allows an individual to work 20 hours per week or less. Please note that the way an employer or the Career Center defines part-time employment may be different from the F-1 federal regulations definition of a part-time CPT authorization.
At Georgia Tech, it may be possible to apply for a part-time CPT authorization during any semester, as long as you are otherwise eligible for CPT, maintaining F-1 status, and will be able to meet F-1 enrollment requirements.
Students engaged in part-time CPT are required to enroll full-time and to meet all F-1 enrollment requirements, even if participating in part-time CPT during a summer annual vacation semester because the U.S. federal regulations require that all F-1 students engaged in CPT are enrolled full-time during the term in which the CPT engagement occurs. The Career Center will determine the number of internship credits that you will be enrolled in. Internship credits from the Career Center will count towards meeting the F-1 enrollment requirements, but additional enrollment will be needed. You can find F-1 student enrollment requirements here:
Students who utilize full-time CPT for 364 days or more during their degree program are ineligible for post-completion Optional Practical Training at that degree level. Those participating in part-time CPT or less than 364 days of full-time CPT will not lose eligibility to participate in post-completion OPT. Part-time CPT does not currently have an impact on a student’s eligibility for OPT. Meaning, a student may engage in more than 364 days of part-time CPT during their degree program, and they can still be eligible for post-completion OPT.
Please note that final eligibility for CPT is determined at the time of application. Approval of a CPT application cannot be guaranteed in advance.
CPT During Graduating Semester
In the final semester of your degree program, typically you can apply for a reduced course load if you need fewer than 12 credits to graduate, which would allow you to enroll in any remaining credits necessary to complete your degree (1-11 credits). However, if you have a part-time CPT authorization in your final term, then you will not be eligible for an academic reduced course load because the federal regulations require students participating in CPT to enroll full time in the term in which they participate in CPT.
Students engaged in part-time CPT are required to enroll full-time and to meet all F-1 enrollment requirements. Internship credits from the Career Center will count towards meeting the F-1 enrollment requirements. The Career Center will determine the number of internship credits that an individual will be enrolled for based on their specific internship.
Only F-1 student visa holders in degree programs that require a practicum/internship in the final semester of the program (as part of an already established curriculum) are allowed to request full-time CPT in their final semester. If your degree program does not require a practicum/internship in the final semester of the program, then you can apply for part-time CPT in your final semester.
Practical Training Fee
The Office of International Education will collect a $35 fee each time an international student holding an F or J student visa receives practical training benefits in the form of Curricular Practical Training (CPT), Optional Practical Training (OPT) or Academic Training (AT). Student e-forms submitted to the OIE for review will be required to show evidence of PTF payment. Specific instructions for paying the fee will be included in the iStart instructions on the CPT e-form.
For more specific information about the PTF, please visit OIE's website.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

- I was authorized for a reduced course load within my one academic year at Georgia Tech. Am I still eligible to apply for CPT after completing one academic year?
- Receiving authorization for a medical or academic reduced course load may not impact your eligibility for practical training (CPT/OPT). You may be eligible to apply for CPT after completing one academic year, even if authorized for a reduced course load. Final eligibility for practical training is determined after the review of your completed CPT request.
- My program does not require an internship. Am I still eligible to apply for CPT?
- Yes, if you are interested in participating in CPT, but your program does not require an internship, you may still be eligible. The experiential learning opportunity must be integral to your degree program and cannot impede your academic progress in the degree program.
- Am I eligible to participate in CPT after I’ve met all degree requirements?
- No. By regulatory standard, CPT must be an integral part of your degree program. F-1 student visa holders who have already met all degree requirements are no longer eligible for CPT. Students who have met all degree course requirements may be eligible to apply for post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) to continue practical training.
- I am a thesis-track student, am I eligible to participate in CPT after my defense date?
- No, because CPT must be an integral part of your degree program, students who have successfully defended are considered to have met degree requirements and are no longer eligible for CPT. Students in this scenario should consider applying for post-completion OPT to engage in practical training.
- Am I eligible for full-time CPT during my final academic term?
- Only F-1 student visa holders in degree programs that require a practicum/internship in the final semester of the program are allowed to request full-time CPT in their final semester.
- If your degree program does not require a practicum/internship in the final semester of the program, then you can apply for part-time CPT in your final semester.
- I am an online student applying to study at the Georgia Tech Atlanta campus, will I be eligible for CPT when I gain F-1 student visa status?
- Online students transferring to the Atlanta campus must enroll full-time for one academic year inside the U.S. before becoming eligible for Curricular Practical Training. In order to receive an I-20 for fall and spring semesters, an F-1 student must have more than 12 credit hours required for degree completion remaining in their program.
- How many hours am I eligible to work while on CPT?
- You can engage in one of two types of CPT; either part-time CPT or full-time CPT. If you plan to work a combination of on and off-campus employment, the total number of hours will be reviewed for CPT eligibility. Please see the bullets below for the amount of hours you are eligible to work each week while authorized for the two types of CPT:
- Part-time CPT Authorization: 20 hours or less per week
- Full-time CPT Authorization: more than 20 total hours per week
- You can engage in one of two types of CPT; either part-time CPT or full-time CPT. If you plan to work a combination of on and off-campus employment, the total number of hours will be reviewed for CPT eligibility. Please see the bullets below for the amount of hours you are eligible to work each week while authorized for the two types of CPT:
- Can I participate in CPT if my employer wants me to work remotely?
- Yes, students can participate in internships that allow them to participate in the experiential learning opportunity remotely as long as the employer can assess student engagement and attainment of learning objectives electronically.
- I changed status from H-4 to F-1, when do I become eligible for CPT?
You will be eligible for Curricular Practical training after your F-1 change of status is approved and you’ve completed at least one full year of full-time enrollment inside the U.S. in any status so long as your application for change of status to F-1 was done via USCIS. Those who change their status by departing the U.S. and re-entering in F-1 status are not eligible to count time in another status towards their one academic year requirement.
Note, in order to be eligible to utilize CPT, you must hold F-1 status.
Can I do CPT for two consecutive semesters?
In general, it may be possible for an F-1 student who is continuously maintaining F-1 status and otherwise eligible for CPT to apply for CPT authorization for two consecutive terms. Students need to submit separate CPT applications for each term and must also be eligible to receive internship credits for each period of the CPT authorizations. Students should work with their academic advisor to ensure that they continue to make normal academic progress towards the completion of their degree. Please note that final eligibility for CPT is determined at the time of application. Approval of a CPT application cannot be guaranteed in advance.
As a BS/MS student, can I use CPT to work in between the degree programs?
No, as a BS/MS student, in order to work between completing the BS and before starting the MS degree, you will need to apply instead for Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).

- What is the deadline to request CPT?
- Typically, the deadline to complete your CPT request with Career Center is by the end of phase II registration. For more information on Career Center’s deadlines, please review their website:
- As a reminder, you cannot begin your experiential learning opportunity until you are approved by OIE for the CPT authorization, you have received your I-20 form with the CPT authorization, and until the start date of your CPT authorization.
- Typically, the deadline to complete your CPT request with Career Center is by the end of phase II registration. For more information on Career Center’s deadlines, please review their website:
- Can I accept a job offer before CPT is approved?
- You can accept a job offer before your CPT is approved, but we encourage you to let your employer know that your eligibility to perform the work is contingent on the CPT approval.
- Can I begin working before OIE approves my CPT?
- No, it is very important that you understand the serious consequences of engaging in unauthorized work while waiting on your CPT approval. The U.S. government regulations specifically state that students must wait until they receive an I-20 form with the CPT authorization and CPT authorized start date before they are eligible to begin their experiential learning opportunity. If you begin your experiential learning prior to receiving your I-20 form for CPT, prior to the date authorized for you to begin CPT, or beyond the authorized CPT end date, then you are considered to be engaging in unauthorized work within the U.S. which will result in the immediate termination of your SEVIS record. Unauthorized work within the U.S. is a serious infraction and can result in loss of future benefits or the ability to remain legally inside the U.S.
- How do I register for my Co-op or Internship Course?
- Students no longer register for the Co-op or internship courses themselves. The Career Center coordinates with the Registrar to register students in the appropriate course once the student is approved for CPT. We encourage you to wait one week to allow for the Co-op or internship course to be added to your schedule. If you find that the Co-op or internship course isn't added within one week of your CPT approval, you are encouraged to contact the Career Center directly.
- It is important that you check your course registration to be sure that you have enough space in your schedule to allow for the addition of the Co-op or Internship credits in your schedule. If the additional credits will place you over the credit maximum for the term, you will not be enrolled in the internship/co-op credits. Students who are not enrolled in internship/co-op credits are ineligible to participate in CPT.
- As a reminder, students authorized for CPT are required to register full-time that term. If your internship/co-op credits are not enough for you to be enrolled full-time, you will need to find additional credit hours to register to make up 12 credits.
If my internship doesn't meet Career Center requirements or I'm unable to use CPT what are my options?
You may meet with an OIE advisor to discuss Pre-Completion OPT if you are not able to gain authorization for CPT.
While authorization for CPT is given by OIE, pre-completion OPT authorization eligibility is ultimately determined by USCIS. Please note, you will need to work with OIE prior to filing an application for pre-completion OPT. Please consider that pre-completion OPT takes USCIS on average about 90 days to process and the time on pre-completion OPT does subtract from your total eligible Post-Completion OPT days. (F-1 students are eligible for a total of 12 months of optional practical training.)
What is the difference between co-ops and internships through the Career Center office?
An internship is a one semester commitment. The internship can be either part-time or full-time. Co-op is a three-semester commitment with the same employer. Students alternate between work and school until they have completed three work terms. Co-op work terms are always full-time, students do not attend classes while on work rotation. Students on co-op assignments take a schedule of full-time classes following a work term. Please see graduate questions here and undergraduate questions here.
If you have additional questions about CPT, you are welcome to seek additional assistance during ISSS Advising Hours or email