As an F-1 student visa holder in the U.S., you are expected to follow the U.S. federal regulations to properly maintain your F-1 status. Violating your student visa status is a serious issue and can lead to direct impacts on your ability to remain in the U.S., to continue your studies, or to return later even in other U.S. visa statuses.
Below is a brief overview of the general requirements on how to maintain your F-1 student visa status. If you have any questions about this page or how to maintain your F-1 student visa holder status, you are encouraged to consult with an OIE advisor.
- Enroll full-time each semester unless a vacation semester has been earned or been approved for an authorized reduced course load by OIE. In order to maintain status, the student must be granted the authorized reduced course load prior to dropping below full-time. For more information about enrollment requirements and reduced course loads, review our Enrollment Guidance.
- Keep a valid, unexpired I-20 form and passport (passport must be valid at least 6 months into the future).
- Enroll in a degree-seeking course of study and make normal progress towards that degree.
- Notify OIE of any change of major or degree level within 10 days of the change. I-20 form updates are requested in iStart.
- Notify OIE of any change in U.S. residential address or personal contact information within 10 days of the change, including during periods of Post-Completion OPT and STEM OPT Extension. Updates are reported via iStart.
- If additional time is required to complete your degree program, submit an I-20 form extension request in iStart prior to the program end date listed on the most recently issued I-20 form.
- Work no more than 20 hours per week on-campus during the spring and fall semesters. During the summer term and during school breaks, F-1 student visa holders may work over 20 hours per week. This is subject to GT HR policy.
- Engage in work off-campus only after receiving authorization either through CPT- issued by OIE- or with OPT- issued by OIE and USCIS. Off-campus work without authorization is a serious violation of status.
- Ensure you have a valid travel signature on your I-20 form prior to re-entering the U.S.
- Complete an Income Tax Return as per IRS regulation by the tax deadline every year. Visit OIE's tax website for more information.
- Notify OIE of any changes to or additions of F-2 dependents.
- Within 60 days of completing the degree program, do one of the following:
- Apply for Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT)
- Please review OIE's OPT Website to view our Virtual OPT Workshop, information on important timing considerations, eligibility considerations, and application instructions.
- Pursue Another Georgia Tech degree
- If you have been admitted into another program at Georgia Tech and wish to continue your studies in the U.S. at Georgia Tech, complete the Change of Level e-form in iStart.
- The Change of Degree Level request process must be completed prior to reaching the end of your 60-day grace period or prior to the start of your new degree program, whichever is earliest.
- Attend another U.S. Institution.
- If you have been admitted into a program at another U.S. institution, consider transferring your F-1 immigration record to the other school.
- For additional details and important reminders about the transfer out process, please review our Transfer Out Guidance page.
- Apply for a change of immigration status
- If you are considering remaining in the U.S. in another visa status, you can apply for a change of visa status under the guidance of a qualified immigration attorney.
- You should consult with an attorney prior to your F-1 status expiration to ensure you timely file for your change in status.
- Depart the U.S.
- If you expect to depart the U.S. after finishing your program, please be aware that the U.S. government grants a 60-day grace period after your program end date. You must depart the U.S. on or before the end of your 60-day grace period to avoid visa overstay penalties.
- Once you depart the U.S. during the 60-day grace period, you cannot re-enter the U.S. in F-1 status to utilize unused time within your grace period.
- Apply for Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT)
- During Post-Completion OPT and STEM OPT Extension, report changes to your personal information and employment within 10 days of the change. Updates are reported via iStart.
- Accrue no more than 90 days of unemployment during Post-Completion OPT.
- Accrue no more than 150 days of unemployment combined during Post-Completion OPT and STEM OPT extension.
- Comply with STEM OPT extension employment reporting requirements as detailed here
Violations of Status
Per U.S. federal regulations, OIE is required to Terminate the immigration record for any international student visa holder that fails to maintain their status. A termination of your immigration record means that you would be considered as out-of-status by the Department of Homeland Security and you would no longer be eligible for on-campus employment, practical training, travel signatures for re-entry to the U.S., or any other benefits of F-1 status.
Examples of status violations include but are not limited to:
- Failure to complete your OIE Check-In
- Failure to comply with enrollment requirements
- Dropping below full-time prior to receiving authorization from OIE
- Working off-campus without proper work authorization
- Working over 20 hours per week on campus during the fall or spring term
- Dismissal from GT
- Failure to timely report changes to program
To correct your status, you have two options: Travel and Re-entry or Reinstatement. These options are outlined on our Out of Status page and should be discussed with OIE in detail prior to taking action. In addition to speaking with OIE, you are also encouraged to consult with a qualified immigration attorney.