F-1 and J-1 students currently studying in the United States at another institution who hold an active F-1 or J-1 SEVIS immigration record can make a request to transfer the active immigration record to Georgia Tech (GT). Admission to GT alone does not authorize you to begin your studies at GT. You must complete the transfer of your SEVIS immigration record from your current school to GT before beginning your studies at GT. It is important that students clearly communicate with both their current institution and Georgia Tech OIE in order to ensure they are aware of important deadlines and eligibility criteria. Note, Georgia Tech does not accept SEVIS immigration records in either "Completed" or "Terminated" status. Those with SEVIS immigration records in "Completed" or "Terminated" status need to request an initial I-20 form with a new SEVIS ID. You will be required to depart the U.S., re-enter on the new SEVIS ID, and complete your OIE Check-In.
Step 1: Obtain Georgia Tech Admission & Work with your Current Institution's International Student Advisor
- After receiving your admission to GT, work with an international student advisor at your current institution to request a transfer your active SEVIS immigration record to Georgia Tech. Each school has a different process, so please work directly with your school to ensure you are following their preferred procedures and understand their timelines.
- The Georgia Institute of Technology School Code is: ATL214F00102000
- Georgia Tech DSO Contact Information:
- Name: GT DSO
- Email: info@oie.gatech.edu
- Phone: 404-894-7475
- Georgia Tech does not require a SEVIS transfer form or Transfer Release form from the international student advisor at your current school.
Step 2: Identify your Transfer Release Date
- When preparing to transfer your SEVIS immigration record, you will need to identify a SEVIS “transfer release date.” This is the date that your SEVIS record will end with your current institution, it will transfer to GT's SEVIS immigration system, and it will be the first day that OIE has access to your record in order to issue your I-20 or DS-2019 form. You are not required to wait until the transfer release date to complete your I-20 form request process with Georgia Tech. The transfer release date is something that can be scheduled to occur in the future.
- Things to consider when selecting a SEVIS Transfer release date:
- After your transfer release date, your current school will no longer have access to your immigration record.
- You are not eligible to work on or after your transfer release date.
- Those employed on-campus are not eligible to continue in their on-campus employment at their current school on or after the transfer release date.
- If you are on your benefit of OPT/CPT, you are not eligible to continue your employment with these benefits on or after the transfer release date. Any remaining authorized time on OPT/CPT is forfeited on and after the transfer release date.
- After your transfer release date, you are no longer able to use your current institution's I-20 form to enter the U.S. You will need to wait until the GT I-20 form is issued prior to attempting to enter the U.S.
- OIE requires that you release your immigration record to GT prior to the start of classes in your admission term.
- OIE cannot issue your GT I-20 form until on or after your transfer release date. Please review OIE's processing times to learn of the current processing time for an initial I-20 or DS-2019 form and plan accordingly.
- If you are unsure which transfer release date to choose, you are encouraged to consult with both your current school and OIE to ensure you identify a valid transfer release date.
- Know that until your SEVIS record is released to OIE, questions or concerns regarding how to maintain your immigration record should be addressed to your current institution.
Step 3: Complete your I-20/DS-2019 Request e-form
- Even though you are transferring your immigration record to GT, you must complete the I-20/DS-2019 form request in order to obtain your Georgia Tech I-20 form. OIE asks that you complete this process no later than within 2 weeks of the start of your admission term. More information about the process of requesting your I-20 form from GT can be found within our new student website.
- Undergraduate Students: Undergraduate admissions will initiate an I-20 form request for you and you will receive an email from info@oie.gatech.edu with the subject line "Undergraduate I-20/DS-2019 Form Request" to complete your portion of I-20 request e-form. Until you complete this request, OIE is unable to issue your Georgia Tech I-20/DS-2019 form.
- Graduate Students: Your academic department will initiate an I-20 form request for you and you will receive an email from info@oie.gatech.edu with the subject line "Graduate I-20/DS-2019 Form Request" to complete your portion of I-20 request e-form. Until you complete this request, OIE is unable to issue your Georgia Tech I-20/DS-2019 form.
- Once OIE receives your completed I-20/DS-2019 form request and after your SEVIS release date, OIE will issue the I-20 form within the processing times outlined on our website.
Step 4: Transfer Pending I-20 form
- After you submit the I-20/DS-2019 request e-form with all the necessary documents and the transfer release date has passed, an I-20 or DS-2019 form will be issued within the processing time outlined on our website.
- If you will travel internationally and plan to re-enter the U.S. after your SEVIS transfer release date, you must have the GT I-20 form in order to re-enter the U.S.
- Visa Information:
- If you have a valid, unexpired F1 visa, you may not be required to obtain a new visa in order to enter the U.S. in order to attend Georgia Tech. OIE advises those with valid, unexpired F1 visas to contact the U.S. embassy/consulate that issued the visa directly in order to seek guidance as to whether or not a new visa application is required.
- If your F1/J1 visa has expired, then you will need to wait before obtaining your GT I-20/DS-2019 form before applying for a new visa.
Step 5: OIE Check-In
- All new and transfer students are required to complete the OIE Check-In process.
- After completing the entire three-step OIE Check-In process, all newly transferred students will receive a final updated I-20 from Georgia Tech showing you have completed your transfer and have "continued attendance" status.
Special Considerations for those on Transferring to GT after engaging in OPT:
If you are on OPT and your employer has filed an H-1B application on your behalf, you need to obtain paperwork to show the H-1B application was withdrawn prior to the H-1B taking effect. Even after transferring to GT and receiving a GT I-20 form, it is possible that your F-1 record will auto-terminate due to the change of status application being on your record. In order for OIE to file a correction to have your F-1 SEVIS record returned to active status, you must obtain proof that the withdrawal of the application was done prior to it taking effect and you must have official documentation from USCIS acknowledging the withdrawal.