Fill Your Cup

Fill Your Cup

GT Hope Blossoms


We invite you to engage with OIE’s newest initiative, GT Hope Blossoms, by sharing your thoughts, experiences, concerns, stories, questions, tips, fears, and – most importantly – hopes when it comes to dealing with bias and prejudice in the future. Posts can be shared anonymously and all posts will be used to help further this critical conversation within our Georgia Tech community. We will strive to transform your submissions into events for further and deeper conversations, artwork to share with our community, workshops that foster change and action, and resources to support all in our community. Please join in Project GT Hope Blossoms here:




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iBuzz is a bi-weekly newsletter for Georgia Tech's International Population from the Office of International Education (OIE). It is the main way OIE communicates with students regarding changes in immigration law and policies, important reminders, and upcoming programs. To subscribe or review past issues, please visit our iBuzz page